Renowned Spokesperson, Talent, and Personality
Highly talented and ultra dynamic Fitness Celebrity, Comedian, YouTube Award Holder, and Supplement Company Spokesperson who has directed, produced, and conducted over 1,000:
• Product Demonstrations and Reviews
• Mini-movies
• Voice Over Projects
• High Profile Interviews
• Workout Videos with Top Fitness Celebrities
• Comedic Commentary Videos
• Commercials
Now you can hire Tim Muriello as a free lance and guest spokesperson to create professionally rendered product spotlight and review videos that can be placed directly on specific product pages on your company website to educate and soft sell unique visitors to move along the sale and greatly increase conversion rates. Tim Muriello can also make guest appearance videos for your company's YouTube channel and other Social Media outlets.
Tim Muriello, known as the Fitness and Supplement Expert, is the trusted source for Supplements Reviews, Product Information and Demonstration, and Fitness Education. His videos are on many Supplement Company websites, YouTube channels, and Social Media platforms all over the world!
Contact Tim Muriello today for pricing, details, and to quickly get started on building your company's credentials, content, and rankings while increasing sales and customer retention.